Wayist Tantra, known as Nirvanalaksanayoga Tantra (Nirvanalaksana (lit: having wide-ranging bliss as its characteristic mark)) is the yogic lifestyle that is concerned mostly with direct and dedicated existential experience of spiritual evolution and radical personal transformation. Bliss, is understood as holistic wellness, a true and deep happiness, a prerequisite for enlightenment. Nirvanalaksanayoga Tantra is a therapeutic regimen that understands the human body, its relations to the soul body and the process of enlightenment. It understands the metamorphosis of the soul into a spiritual being. It understands that Prana heals not only soul and mind but also the physical body. It has a well-developed and unique understanding of the mechanisms of soul organs or soul minds known as chakras, nadi and its kundalini. Nirvanalaksanayoga Tantra is the discipline of the spiritual physician, more recently known as a pneumatherapist. Advanced Nirvanalaksanayoga Tantra transformational t...